Find answers to frequently asked questions about Bella Forrest's books here. If your question is not answered, please reach out through the contact page.
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When is Bella’s next book releasing?
Check out the site home page to find out Bella’s latest and other upcoming and recent releases.
Are Bella’s books available as paperbacks?
Yes, all of Bella’s books are available as paperbacks. Check your local book store! You may find them there. Otherwise, all of the paperbacks are available on many online stores.
Will there be movies / a TV show based on Bella’s books?
We are working on it!
Follow our social media and you’ll be sure to hear of any updates!
Are Bella’s stories available as audiobooks?
Yes! Many of Bella’s books are already available as audiobooks on many platforms, and more are coming soon.
What is a “Shaddict”?
A Shade of Vampire + Addict = Shaddict. 🙂
In what order do I read the Shade, Kiev and Dragon books?
A common question from readers is “In what order do I read the Shade books, and when do I need to read the Kiev and Dragon series?” The A Shade of Kiev and A Shade of Dragon series can be read as stand alone series; however, many Shade fans prefer to read the Shade, Kiev and Dragon books in release order because of the way the stories intertwine. If you wish to read the books in release order you will read:
- A Shade of Vampire 1 to 7
- A Shade of Kiev 1 & 2
- A Shade of Vampire 8
- A Shade of Kiev 3
- A Shade of Vampire 9
- The remaining A Shade of Vampire installments
The A Shade of Dragon series can be read anytime after A Shade of Vampire 16 and before A Shade of Vampire 24.
How do I read ebooks on Kindle?
Our ebooks can be read on any device, including Kindle. Here is a simple guide on how to read the ebooks on Kindle. NOTE: Be sure you are adding the ".epub" file to your kindle. Most of our e-books are delivered in a package file called a .zip file. You must open the .zip file on your device, then select the .epub file to add to your kindle. If you try to add the .zip file to your kindle app, it will not work.
Is there a Family Tree for the Novak family?
YES! We have a family tree that is updated on a regular basis. View the Novak Family Tree.
Where can I find your social media?
All our official social media links are displayed in the footer of this website. Any other social media page is not authorized and is not run by us, so you should better not follow it.
Who is Bella Forrest?
Bella Forrest remains an enigma to many, a vampire in the eyes of some, and a friend to her readers. She may reveal more about herself in the future, possibly through one of her stories.
Bella's Featured Books
A Shade of Vampire
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The Gender Game
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The Girl Who Dared to Think
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Harley Merlin and the Secret Coven
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